HydroCycle specializes in stormwater management, with a focus on low impact development (LID) and green storm infrastructure solutions. This approach to stormwater management emphasizes natural vegetated elements and is frequently cost competitive with traditional storm infrastructure, while providing numerous other long-term benefits, such as improved water quality, ecosystem enhancement, and aesthetics. Project examples include:
Stormwater LID Demonstration Project, Mars Hill, NC
HydroCycle provided planning, research, engineering design, project management, construction observation, and grant funding services for the Madison County Soil and Water Conservation District on the Stormwater LID Demonstration project in Mars Hill, North Carolina. The project consists of over 20 different integrated innovative and low impact stormwater BMPs at the Mars Hill Town Hall, including:
- Vegetated biofiltration strip with native grasses
- Bioretention cells of varying depths and filter media
- Submerged gravel wetland
- Stormwater wetland
- Vegetated bioswales and checkdams
- Infiltration trench
- Raingardens
- Arbor with vegetated roof
- 1,500 gallon cistern and watering system for landscaping
- Permaculture infiltration garden
- Mycelium filter strip for intercepting parking lot runoff
- Permeable walking trail
- Level spreader for flow dispersion
Tim Ormond of HydroCycle was the lead author of a technical paper describing the demonstration project entitled “LID Meets Permaculture: Sustainable Stormwater Management in the Mountains of Western North Carolina.” The paper was accepted and presented by Tim at the International Low Impact Development Conference in San Francisco, CA. A copy of the paper can be viewed here.
Town Hall Facility, Mars Hill, NC. Prior to Stormwater LID Demonstration Project.
Layout of Stormwater LID Demonstration Project, Mars Hill, NC
Town Hall Facility, Mars Hill, NC. After Installation of Stormwater LID Demonstration Project.
Town Hall Facility, Mars Hill, NC. After Installation of Stormwater LID Demonstration Project.
College Creek Watershed Restoration, Greene County, TN
HydroCycle provided hydrologic and hydraulic evaluation, engineering design, and construction observation services for numerous low impact stormwater best management practices (BMPs) for the Greene County (Tennessee) Soil Conservation District (GCSCD), along College Creek, a major tributary of the Nolichucky River. The stormwater BMPs are part of a comprehensive watershed restoration plan to improve water quality and stream habitat. Greene County currently has more streams classified as impaired by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency than any other county in Tennessee.
Stormwater Wetland, College Creek Watershed, Greeneville, TN
Stormwater Wetland Retrofit, College Creek Watershed, Greeneville, TN